Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Fourteenth Reflection

This week I got my turn to practice class teaching as the final test. It was great to do class teaching but it’s not that easy. As I said before, it’s hard to teach my classmates who pretend as high school students. But for this time, I can handle my students’ attitudes and I can improve my class management and also the time management.
For this second class teaching practice I prepared the material well and also the teaching strategy. I applied the reinforcement skill and I don’t feel nervous. Inside my heart I said that “I am ready to teach you friends.” For this second chance, I was trying to avoid some mistakes that I did on my first practice even though I still have some weaknesses.
Now, I want to say that I am ready for PPL. I will do my best coz I know God will help me to complete the rest. 

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