Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Eighth Reflection
This week I got my turn to practice class teaching. It was great to do class teaching but it’s not that easy. It’s hard to teach my classmates who pretend as high school students. I couldn’t handle their attitudes and it confused me and made me nervous. But, they all were great in helping me to do my class teaching practice.
The “students” helped me to improve my classroom management. They also helped me in improving myself confident. By teaching my classmates, I also learnt how to behave as a good teacher and how to interact with the students. Besides, I have to improve my time management skill, reinforcement skill, set induction; I have to review the previous materials clearly.
I have learnt many important things of doing class teaching and it will help to be better and better and later I can do my PPL well and be a good teacher for my real students.
Thank you friends for everything

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