Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Final Reflection of Micro Teaching
First of all, I want to thank you to my lovely God for everything He gave to me so I can do all the Micro Teaching tests well.
I am really happy with the Micro teaching practices that make me learn more how to teach well and to share what I have to others. Actually in my teaching practice, I still repeated the same mistakes but it’s a great time to have more practice on teaching. It’s not that easy to practice teaching our classmates, it’s more difficult than teaching lower semester students. But, my friends have helped me in improving my teaching skill. My friends have helped me in increasing myself confident. I am lucky to have such good friends in my micro teaching class. Moreover, I feel so lucky to have a great teacher who always supports me in improving my teaching skill. I have learnt many things from my teacher, Mr. Prast. He has taught me how to increase the students enthusiastic, how to use media and how to behave or act as a teacher.
Honestly, I am not a person who wants to be a teacher. I am not a confident person. But after having micro teaching class and learning many things during the teaching practice, I think I want to be a teacher.
I was a person who always feels nervous when I have to stand in front of the class doing presentation or something else. It affects me much in many things. Due to this reason, sometimes I feel afraid of micro teaching class. But, in truth, micro teaching class has play important role in solving my problems.
At the first time I following micro teaching class, I didn’t have any idea about teaching and I was afraid I couldn’t pass the course. But, day by day, through the process in micro teaching class I learnt many important things related to teaching skills. I have learnt many important things from my friends’ performance and it gave me the idea on how to teach well and helped me to improve my teaching skill.
Micro teaching class has provided me and other students the time to practice teaching which helped us in improving our teaching skill. Through micro teaching class, I have time to practice group and class teaching and also practice teaching lower semester students. All the process that I have experienced helped me much in improving my teaching skill and it makes me sure to score myself with A and ready for PPL because I am sure that I have improve my teaching skill well.
After experience teaching practice in micro teaching class I feel that my teaching skill is better than before. Now, I am ready for my PPL.
Finally, I want to thank you for Mr. Prast with all the suggestion and also for my friends who have helped me much.

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Fifteenth Reflection

This is the final week of final test. I have some friends practicing class teaching and it will be a good moment to learn from their performance in order to improve my teaching skills. The “teachers” showed me how to improve classroom management. I also learnt how to behave as a good teacher and how to interact with the students. Besides, they showed me how to improve the time management skill, and reinforcement skill.
God job friends
Fourteenth Reflection

This week I got my turn to practice class teaching as the final test. It was great to do class teaching but it’s not that easy. As I said before, it’s hard to teach my classmates who pretend as high school students. But for this time, I can handle my students’ attitudes and I can improve my class management and also the time management.
For this second class teaching practice I prepared the material well and also the teaching strategy. I applied the reinforcement skill and I don’t feel nervous. Inside my heart I said that “I am ready to teach you friends.” For this second chance, I was trying to avoid some mistakes that I did on my first practice even though I still have some weaknesses.
Now, I want to say that I am ready for PPL. I will do my best coz I know God will help me to complete the rest. 
Thirteenth Reflection

This is the second week reflection of final test. This week I pretend to be a student again. This week I also have time to learn from my friends’ performance.  Many important things I got. My friends showed me how to manage time to make the learning process not running over time. Moreover, they showed me how to use media in delivering the material so the students can easily understand the day’s lesson. They also showed me how to gain the students attention by using media.
Moreover, my friends showed me how to act and behave as a good teacher. Self control is also the important thing that I learned from my friends’ performance. It will make the students respect to the teacher. Another important thing I got from my friends’ performance is we have to give the students more time to practice. Great job buddy….GBU
Twelfth Reflection: First week of final test

It’s a second chance to do class teaching. It’s not that easy to do but it has to do to improve the teaching kills. Besides, it’s a great moment to learn. Learn about many things. Learn to appreciate others; learn to control ourselves and how to behave in a certain situation.
It’s the first week of final test. Some of my friends got their turn to practice and I was pretend to be a junior high school student of grade VII.  Many important things I’ve learned from my friends. They showed me how to speak properly to the students. Speak not too fast to make the students understand the point we want to deliver. Moreover, they showed me to be relaxed and speak louder. Interact with the students is also the important point that I learned from my friends’ performance.  My friends also showed how to manage the class to make the learning process run well. I hope I can do my best.
Eleventh Reflection
Teaching Lower Semester

Finally, the D-day of teaching lower semester students is coming. Nervous, nervous and nervous but I have to keep thinking that I am ready and I can do my best. It was a pronunciation class and for me it’s a kind of hard work because I’m not really master on pronouncing. But, the media help me to deliver the materials and it ran well. I applied what I have learnt in micro teaching class.
I have to teach for about 90 minutes and it’s a long time but I have prepared a good teaching strategy to spend the time. Everything runs as I have planned and the students were very cooperative. I applied a group discussion method and after discussing every group was performing in front of the class.
In the last five minutes, I asked the students to give comments on my teaching practice and almost all of them suggested me to improve the volume of my voice. Besides, the lecturer of pronunciation class suggested me to improve my reinforcement skill.
Finally, I want to thank God for assisting me during my teaching practice. I also want to thank for Mr. Prast and all my friends for everything you gave to improve my teaching skills. Moreover, I want to thank you to Ms. Adesti for all the suggestion.

Thank you for all the students of pronunciation class. ….. I am free for a while. 
Tenth Reflection: 
time to teach lower semester students

Before teaching lower semester students, I have to prepare many things; doing observation, preparing the materials and the lesson plan. 
And now, I am proudly to say that I am ready for teaching lower semester students. 
I have practice so far and I have learnt much from Mr. Prast, my friends, and the mistakes I’ve done when doing class teaching. I will do my best in teaching the lower semester students. I hope everything will run well. God Bless me...